
Learning MySQL and PHP

Shape is a social media platform I made for a school project. The project required us to make a website using a database in which you could add, remove and change data. Most people opted to make an online store. But I wanted more of a challenge, so I chose to make a social media platform.

The site is connected to a database which has 2 tables. One table for account details and one table for the posts. Users can make an account and sign into the platform. When signed in they can view all the other posts and post themselves. Only they have the option to delete their own post. When they are done, they can close the website and will instantly be logged on or they can decide to log off. There is also a page to update your account details such as age and job which get displayed above your post.

This website was my first time working with PHP and MySQL. It all went pretty well without a hitch. Every time the user pressed a button, they get redirected to a page which handles the MySQL. Afterwards they either get sent to the next page or they get sent back and an error messaged is displayed.

The website turned out well, but I had to make a few changes to comply with my teachers' requirements which I feel degraded the website. I had built in a system that sent the user to the feed if they were logged in, in the same way twitter doesn't send you to the homepage but to the feed. However, my teacher wanted every page to always be accessible from every other page which meant I had to remove this feature again. In the end it doesn't really matter though since I had fun while making the website and I got a good grade for it. So, all goals were met.